Monday, October 27, 2008

MOM's Computer - Chapter 4 - Level 9

Welcome home! Build a tower of games and applications to reach MOM to extract all the information you need from her.

Talk to MOM to complete.

Finish in 15 or fewer moves to achieve OCD status.


  1. Is there something beyond MOM? Sadly, I keep on falling after every attempt to see if there's something beyond. Curious. :)

  2. Look... "above" MOM.

  3. Why does it say: welcome home (tm) MOM has gone away when I try to click MOM? I have reached the sign above MOM, but that does'nt nake any difference?

  4. OMFG, it is so simple, I was trying to build some spectacular, supercomplicated tower which took about an hour to build because I thought I had to get above 'MOM' and then I reached the very top and nothing was there, just a stupid sign lol :D

  5. Help !! I have done exaaactly what it said and all I get when I reach the top is 'Mom has gone away'....what am I doing wrong for goodness sake !!!

  6. hey, did you know that you can build a mini goo tower with the gooballs in the small screen? And if you slam the application and game blocks into the top of the small screen, you can get them inside!

  7. depo plumpang kebakar pas gw maen goo

    1. we no speak monkey language... get a banana chum...

  8. hi, im stuck after i finished this lvl with OCD, I went to corporation to check TnC mail, but i don't know where to find it. Can't find it anywhere in Corporation. Help, anyone plz.. Thanks

  9. "hi, im stuck after i finished this lvl with OCD, I went to corporation to check TnC mail, but i don't know where to find it. Can't find it anywhere in Corporation. Help, anyone plz.. Thanks"

    just go to ur building room/goocorp room and look around for an envelope to click on its viewable as soon as u enter o.o

  10. you dont have to build all the way to the mom shortcut. when u see a small bit of it, just take a piece, drop it near the shortcut and click the shortcut before the piece falls to far.

  11. my mom isnt there. do you have to only use games or can you use apps?

  12. my mom has gone

  13. HAHA. And I made 299 moves. When only eight moves was possible. Sigh. Btw, what did the sign 'beyond MOM' say?

  14. I made a whopping 908 moves. my structure kept falling!

  15. i got the ocd just use s_ _ _ _ s manghan!

  16. How can I adjust the audio sittings in world of goo?

  17. I'm stuck on this level. I build up to MOM with 8 game blocks on end (very stable). I click on MOM. She turns into the big site where you click almost endlessly on questions. Finally we click on 'delete cookies' and she allows us to leave but the level doesn't end. I cannot get past this level! do I have to select the questions in a certain sequence?!

  18. When I tried to replay this level, it said MOM was gone. Help?

  19. Don't put "delete cookies," since, as MOM puts it, "It'll be like we never met." If you hit that, go back to her and she won't remember you, so just click on the third option every time like it shows in the video walk-though and it'll get you past the level.
    As for the "MOM has gone away," I got that after I beat the game and went back to play this level again. I don't know if that has anything to do with it.

  20. is that IT? so the whole point is chosng the right questions to MOM? ohk

  21. The sign beyond mom says :

    "Are you there, MOM?"


    -the Sign painter

  22. If you have done the talk with MOM before she will have gone away.

  23. this level was kind of lame... if u ask me...

  24. all you have to do to complete mom is reach her, read here questions and replies, then after she says goodbye and you exit, go in again and there's new questions about how to sign up etc then the level completes and u get mail and go on to the next level

  25. I solved it in 5 moves (Actually it can be solved by 3 moves only, but I used two clicks to spawn each block, my bad...)Just build a tower of two blocks and bring it to MOM. I think OCD can only be achieved BEFORE the desruction of WoG Corp.

  26. Solved it in 3 moves. Using 2 application blocks (the square ones) and a lot of patience. It seems that a stack of two square blocks is the most stable combination.

  27. I manage to kick the goo balls of that command screen lolz I slammed a game window on the left side of that window game went in and the goo balls flew off lolz

  28. you only have to click on the last question while asking MOM.. first i didn't realize that and was clicking on all questions out there. then i watched this video and realized the thing ...

  29. If u cant reach top sign make a tower of goo first. then slam an app againt the wall until it gets in. then slam the tower upwards with the app or game until the tower is hit all the way to the top!!!

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